The Meaning of Anzac Day

George Pell What passing bells for these who die as cattle?Only the monstrous anger of the guns.Only the stuttering rifles’ rapid rattleCan patter out their hasty orisons.No mockeries for them from prayers or bells;Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs—The shrill, demented choirs of waiting shells;And bugles calling for them from sad shires. ThisContinue reading “The Meaning of Anzac Day”

REFLECT & RESPECT this ANZAC Day.You don’t have to revel or revere the ANZACs, that is your choice. But we should always remember and respect what they did for us and all of Australia. Throughout World War 1, at a time when the population of our nation wasn’t even 5 million strong, nearly half a millionContinue reading

Fighting McKenzie, the Anzac spirit and Australian values

Warwick Marsh Flat White Warwick Marsh 25 April 2017 8:31 AM Australia has produced some amazing war heroes but none so remarkable, or popular, as Fighting McKenzie from World War I. Daniel Reynaud, author of the book ‘The Man the Anzacs Revered’ asked, “How did a wowser become an Anzac legend? And how did this legendContinue reading “Fighting McKenzie, the Anzac spirit and Australian values”

London diary: Reflections for Remembrance Day

Rocco Loiacono Flat White Getty Images Rocco Loiacono 11 November 2023 4:00 AM The famous English writer and critic, Samuel Johnson, once said: ‘If you are tired of London, you are tired of life, for there is in London all that life can afford.’ After the immense privilege of attending the inaugural Alliance for ResponsibleContinue reading “London diary: Reflections for Remembrance Day”

Lest we forget

John Singer dnSseoprto4ha61u1am2ihgflma83f48uu90c7ti2014c7381h041mh44m71  · On 31 October 1917 Aussie mounted Infantry charged the the village of Beersheba. What better way to celebrate our heroes than a ride on horseback in the country from where their noble horses came, in the land they fought for. Lest we forget the real Australia. Comment by Nelle-Indeed we shouldContinue reading “Lest we forget”

Australians need to remember Ben Roberts-Smith finding was not a criminal case

Saturday Morning Herald columnist Steve Price says Australians need to remember the Ben Roberts-Smith trial was a defamation case with no criminal prosecution. “We must remember this is a civil defamation case with no criminal prosecution of the evidence not tested at all and it should not be used to erase the acts of bravery,”Continue reading “Australians need to remember Ben Roberts-Smith finding was not a criminal case”

Ben Roberts-Smith a Hero of the First Order

“any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone .” Ben didn’t stand a chance against the corruption of govt and media stacked against him- We will never know the conditions that they endured and  we can only imagine the deprivation, despair and longing for family that lived with themContinue reading “Ben Roberts-Smith a Hero of the First Order”

Phony welcome to country not welcome at Anzac service

Date: May 25, 2023Author: Editor, cairnsnews 7 Comments Letter to the Editor Many attended the dawn ANZAC Day Memorial Services to honour and remember our fallen heroes, a solemn time for all Australians to reflect and remember those who fought to defend our nation and maintain the democratic freedoms we enjoy this day. Lest WeContinue reading “Phony welcome to country not welcome at Anzac service”

Alan Jones: ANZAC Day’s true reality and the forgotten message

Flat White Alan Jones Getty Images Alan Jones 16 May 2023 4:00 AM Of course, it is a new month since the outpouring of respect, on ANZAC Day, in memory of the fallen and of others who served in the cause of their country. Notwithstanding the rhetoric, all is soon forgotten. On the day, itContinue reading “Alan Jones: ANZAC Day’s true reality and the forgotten message”

The evolution of Anzac Day from 1915 until today

By Joanna Khan•April 24, 2017 Men, women and children line the streets in Brisbane to watch the procession of the 41st Battalion on Anzac Day 1916.Image credit: State Library Queensland Reading Time: 7 Minutes• Print this page Australians have commemorated Anzac Day on 25 April for more than a century, but the ceremonies and theirContinue reading “The evolution of Anzac Day from 1915 until today”

Albanese’s infamous ANZAC speech

Flat White Rod Lampard Getty Images Rod Lampard 28 April 2023 5:00 AM A first-time Prime Minister making a gaffe in his first ANZAC Day speech can be overlooked. A first-time Prime Minister using such an important speech to serve his own political interests, should be showered with the scorn he justly deserves. The PrimeContinue reading “Albanese’s infamous ANZAC speech”

What did ANZACS really fight for?

Date: April 23, 2023Author: Editor, cairnsnews 17 Comments Letter to the Editor On ANZAC-day people should ask themselves the question: “For what did the ANZACs really fight for? Wasn’t it really for the manifestation of the global elite of Wall Street and the City of London during World War II, so they could continue toContinue reading “What did ANZACS really fight for?”