It’s Not Your Grandfather’s Colonialism

Paul Collits If you haven’t heard of Eva Vlaardingerbroek before, well, you have now.  Perhaps you have previously seen her on The Mark Steyn Show.  Given her name (the second one), you’ve probably guessed that she is Dutch. She has just scored somewhere approaching 50 million views of a speech she has delivered in Budapest,Continue reading “It’s Not Your Grandfather’s Colonialism”

Vice-Chancellors Wrapped in Shame and Keffiyehs

Mervyn Bendle Do the vice-chancellors of our universities really think they are going to get away with their blatant sanctioning of the current, vile anti-Semitic protests at our universities? Perhaps they feel comfortable aligning themselves with the same ugly forces that stampeded towards the Sydney Opera House to shut down the statement of support forContinue reading “Vice-Chancellors Wrapped in Shame and Keffiyehs”

Populism and the Failure of Conservatives

Tony Abbott Whether it’s steadily growing support for minor parties and independents here, now routinely a third of the electorate; the stale presidential re-run now on offer in the US; the likely wipe-out of the British Tory government by a nondescript opposition; or the near disintegration of once-well-established parties in Western Europe, clearly more andContinue reading “Populism and the Failure of Conservatives”

The Threat, the Damage, the Solution

Kevin Donnelly Curtis Cheng shot dead in in Parramatta in 2015, the Khayat brothers planning to blow up an Etihad plane in 2017, Abdul Haider, 18, attacking two police officers with a knife three years earlier in the Melbourne suburb of Endeavour Hills. Now, while Lakemba imams preach death to Jews and attack thecountry thatContinue reading “The Threat, the Damage, the Solution”

The New Anti-Semitism’s Nazi Lineage

Mervyn Bendle Anti-Semitism keeps evolving. In its current iteration, unimaginatively known as the New Antisemitism, it retains many of the traditional tropes found in the previous five stages of Antisemitism dating back over 2000 years, and these shouldn’t need to be rehearsed here. What is innovative in its new form is the way in whichContinue reading “The New Anti-Semitism’s Nazi Lineage”

The Queen of Climate Crackpottery

Tony Thomas Trigger warning: if your household companions include a cat, dog, canary, goldfish or turtle, this article is not a safe space. I’m writing about Harvard’s distinguished agnatologist Professor Naomi Oreskes (above) and her 2014 warning that global warming would kill your pets in 2023. The warning is in her acclaimed but glum bookContinue reading “The Queen of Climate Crackpottery”

Hoax Springs Eternal

Rachael Kohn Quadrant Online 12th March 2024 If you have wondered for the umpteenth time just who are the “elders, past, present and emerging” whom we all are meant to acknowledge, it might surprise you that Aboriginal Australians also ask themselves the same question. The earnest declarations issued at the commencement of every event byContinue reading “Hoax Springs Eternal”

Hate for Australia Drawn on the Public Purse Peter O’Brien It’s possible to prosecute a case for improved outcomes for the minority of Aboriginal people severely disadvantaged relative to the vast majority of their countrymen (which includes 80 per cent of fellow Aborigines). Further, to acknowledge that the process of establishing and building Australia broughtContinue reading

Tony Thomas It’s a good thing that 165 Australian journalists, led by the tribes at The Guardian, ABC and Nine, have outed themselves as supporters of Israel’s destruction. As many have noted, now we know who they are. They’ve endorsed an Open Letter from their MEAA union to media outlets. It describes Israel’s retaliatory warContinue reading

Blame Colonisation? Only if You Favour Empty Excuses

Aborigines Anthony Dillon Shortly before the Voice Referendum, Jacinta Price stated there are “no ongoing negative impacts of colonisation” for indigenous Australians. I believe her sentiments were right, but she was criticised for expressing them. She is not the only Indigenous Australian holding this view. And while I saw plenty of criticism directed at her,Continue reading “Blame Colonisation? Only if You Favour Empty Excuses”