Andrew Hastie

This is big news and I wanted to make sure you heard it right away. Labor is changing the law in South Australia to ban ALL political donations for their next state election. While this doesn’t impact us directly, it tells you where Labor’s head is at. This could be the leading edge for Labor’s political strategy—ban donations and silence their opponents. In any case, they’re very happy to put their thumbs on the scale. And you can bet your bottom dollar the unions will still be out there pouring millions into pro-Labor campaigns. Right now, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is sitting on a proposal to restrict donations. And that will hit us all. We don’t know how far it will go, but there’s no doubt it will be targeted at his opponents—and that means YOU and ME. I guarantee you it will be an attack on YOUR political freedoms. You know they will go to any lengths to stop us standing in their way—to force their radical agenda on you whether you like it or not. Just look at the email below… Our only option is to meet them—head on—with overwhelming force. Will you stand with me? Your donation will help build a $250,000 campaign war chest that will stop them in their tracks. Regards   At a recent meeting of Labor’s powerful State Executive, the union bosses who run their party decided to make Canning a “target seat” to “get rid” of me. But they have rats in the ranks—and now they’re ratting to me. Here’s a copy of an internal Labor document that I was sent. Why is Labor after us? They know you and I are a threat to their woke ideology. They say we “spew hate” and “divisiveness” for standing up for this country.  For defending our flag and Australia Day against their attacks. They say our campaign against their Voice to Parliament was “racist”. Stand with me! And here’s why they think they’re closer than ever to pushing me out of parliament. Today, the Australian Electoral Commission announced a new map for my seat of Canning. According to the ABC’s election expert Antony Green, you and I are now fighting to win one of Australia’s most marginal seats. There is now no doubt that Labor will now come after us with everything. Well, I’m not stopping until we end their grip on power. You and I are going to win this fight. And Labor needs to get the message, today. But for that to happen, our pushback must be massive and immediate. Will you stand with me right now? Your donation will help build a $250,000 campaign war chest that will stop them in their tracks. They think they have one over us. But they have no idea what’s coming for them. Regards Andrew Hastie
Shadow Minister for Defence   I’ll stand with you Andrew!
Your Federal Member for Canning Office Address
2/61 Sutton St, Mandurah WA 6210

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(08) 9534 8044

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Published by Nelle

I am interested in writing short stories for my pleasure and my family's but although I have published four family books I will not go down that path again but still want what I write out there so I will see how this goes

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